My Rates

My fees are in accordance to the recommended fee schedule of the BCACC. I will work with you to ensure that fees do not stand in the way of helping you with making a change. Ask me how, by booking a free 20 minute consultation. The cancellation policy is 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. If less than 48 hours is given, the appointment fee will be charged in-full.

Individual Therapy

50 mins | $160 | Book Now

75 mins | $240 | Book Now

Couples Therapy

50 mins | $185 | Book Now

75 mins | $277 | Book Now

Teen Therapy

50 mins | $160 | Book Now

75 mins | $240 | Book Now

“We cannot selectively numb emotions. When we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions”.

— Brene Brown

I look forward to connecting with you!